I can’t add a parcel to my basket

If you’re experiencing some difficulties with adding parcels to your basket, there could be a few reasons this is happening. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place, and we’re here to help.

Try these quick steps before we dive in:

  • Double-check the parcel details you’ve entered, like the size, weight, and address, to make sure everything’s correct and complete.
  • Try refreshing the page or logging out and back into your account to see if that helps reset things.

If the problem persists, please click the link below to submit a response to our survey on Google Forms for our team to investigate.

Click here to quickly report your basket issue

Please note, this Google Form is to report basket-related issues only and should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

For queries about transactions, make sure you have your tracking number, ParcelShop receipt number or calling card number before contacting our customer services team.