Incredible savings for all of our customers, local and international
As part of Evri’s commitment to offering some of the cheapest prices on the market, we want to make sure we are always providing discount and reward opportunities across our many services for our diligent senders. Our standard shipping prices already beat other couriers like Royal Mail, so by using our offers, you can get an even better deal. Save even more on UK and international shipping when you use our amazing offers and let Evri give your shopping experience a boost with our rewards schemes.
The email inbox is the modern-day bulletin board, and as much as we are enthusiastic to display our new products and offerings, we want you to be rewarded by staying in touch. By subscribing to receive Evri marketing emails, you can stay up to date with the latest news and services whilst gaining access to discount codes, offers and promotions to use to use when shipping both domestically and internationally.
To subscribe to our emails, simply create an account, and make sure that you tick the box to receive offers, updates and incentives from Evri. If you already have an account, then just dive into your account settings and tick the box found under contact preferences.
Did you know that you can send, receive and drop-off at ParcelShops inside 1200 Tesco Express locations across the UK? Now we’ve taken our partnership one step further to offer Clubcard points on every parcel booked on! One for every £1 spent sending a parcel with Evri. Check out our Tesco Clubcard page to see just how easy it is!
Whether you're a first time customer, frequent sender, or a small business, we've got a discount code for you. Have a browse through what we've got to offer and load up on a code for every occasion.
Looking to send a parcel with us for the first time? We want you to get the full Evri experience – great service, quick delivery, and most importantly, incredible prices. Use the code WELCOME10 to receive 10% off your first purchase with Evri. Taking your business overseas? Bring your welcome code over to our international shipping service for another round of great savings with WELCOME10. Send a parcel today.
Just for our regular Evri senders, we’re prepared to offer reliable discounts on all future purchases. Keep the code 3OFFEVRI in your back pocket for 3% off all purchases every time you shop with us. We want to keep our reputation as one of the cheapest courier services in the country, so let us keep saving you money with 3OFFEVRI. Send a parcel today.
Whether you’re a business or a personal sender, when you spend over £30 with Evri, we can offer you discounted pricing on parcels of all weights no matter their destination. Use the code SAVEON£30 for incredible deals on domestic shipping, saving as much as £2.17 per parcel in comparison with Royal Mail. Make an international order over £30 to save a flat 20%! We’re making overseas shipping even more affordable with these discounts, get the most out of your courier service with Evri. Remember SAVEON£30 to keep your international shipping prices low. Send a parcel today.
For our savvy shoppers, we’ve teamed up with a number of affiliates to provide discounts and rewards to our Evri customers when you utilise their platforms. When you sign up to TopCashback, Honey, Quidco or Student Beans, you can earn cashback and other rewards on every purchase with our UK or international services. Find out more about how our affiliates can enrich your shopping experience with Evri.
If you’re sending parcels at a high volume, then you could qualify for a business account with Evri. Not only would this gain you access to discounted shipping, but you would also receive regular van collections from your address, and enhanced customer service for support. We’re trusted by retailers and customers across the country, so by considering Evri for your shipping needs, we would elevate your business. Find out today if you’re eligible for a business account and get started.
Now you’re equipped with knowledge on all the ways that you can save money and earn rewards with Evri, it’s time to get started sending a parcel! We offer some of the most convenient shipping across the country and internationally, with great added benefits absolutely free. Benefits such as: