With Evri, you can send parcels abroad for as little as £6.08! Our network spans over 200+ countries and territories, and six continents, making sending gifts to friends or parcels to customers incredibly easy.
Simply click the button below to work out the price of your package and send your parcel on its way.
Sending parcels internationally is quick and convenient with Evri thanks to our three easy ways to send:
Sending parcels across the world is easy with Evri. In fact, it takes just three steps:
When it comes to clearing customs, we've made the process easy for you. We collect all the information we need during your online booking. Check out our international shipping guide for more details.
Besides making it cheap to send a parcel internationally, when you choose to send with Evri, you can make use of all these great benefits:
Keep updated on your parcel's progress with end-to-end tracking and email notifications for you and your recipient at no extra cost
Every parcel you send includes £20 free cover. If your item’s worth more, you can easily increase the cover up to £999 for extra peace of mind!
Fill in customs information as part of your online booking without needing to print anything extra - we'll do the rest
Speak to a real person on our international.evri.com website to answer your questions and help resolve any concerns
Print your parcel labels at home or in-store for FREE
Book multiple parcels online all at once using our Bulk Send tool
Add funds to your PrePay account to save time at checkout for a faster online booking
We're trusted to deliver for many of the UK's biggest retailers like ASOS, Boohoo, Gymshark, House of Fraser, Lonsdale and Lookfantastic, just to name a few
Although our Couriers can deliver a variety of items overseas, there are some limitations and restrictions on what they can carry, which you’ll need to consider before you package up your parcel and send it on its way.
Check out our comprehensive list of what you can and can't send, and you should also follow the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and the UK Civil Aviation Authority guides to keep up to date with the latest sending restrictions for packages sent to other countries via airlines.
Sending parcels to Europe using our vast network is quick and easy. Whether it’s a birthday gift for someone special or multiple business parcels, we can help. Full tracking is included as standard, so you can follow your parcels with end-to-end tracking.
Check out some of our most popular European destinations for more details.
Asia is the world’s largest continent, so you'll need a shipping service you can rely on to reach your parcel’s destination quickly and safely.
Every time you send a parcel to Asia or any destination with us, you get full tracking included to give you visibility from start to finish. Plus, our network covers more than 30 Asian countries to increase your options and reach internationally.
Check out some of our most popular Asian destinations below for more information.
From bustling cities in the USA to the tranquil shores of St. Kitts and Nevis, we connect you to every corner of North America. With full tracking included, you can trust us to deliver your parcels safely and on time, whether it’s a personal gift or a business shipment.
For more information, see some of our most popular North American destinations below.
Whether you’re sending to the vibrant cities of South Africa or the serene beaches of Seychelles, we deliver to 42 destinations across Africa. Our trusted network ensures your parcels arrive securely and on schedule, no matter where they’re headed. With full tracking included, you’ll have complete visibility from drop-off to delivery, giving you peace of mind for every shipment.
Our most popular African destination includes:
From the bustling markets of Saudi Arabia to the island nation of Bahrain, our international network connects you to 16 destinations across the Middle East. Whether you’re sending gifts to loved ones or growing your business in the Gulf Cooperation Council, our reliable service ensures safe and timely delivery. With full tracking as standard, you can follow your parcel’s journey every step of the way.
Some of our most popular Middle Eastern destinations include:
Wherever in the world you’re sending your parcels, you’ll benefit from a trusted, quality service, great prices, and convenient sending methods – even when sending to the far corners of the globe.
Some of our most popular global destinations include: