In this Code of Conduct the following words and terms shall have the meaning set opposite them:
“Employee” - means any employee of Evri;
“Evri” - means Evri Limited or any trading subsidiary or branch office of the company;
“Service Provider” - means any self-employed individual that provides services on behalf of Evri including (without limitation) individuals who are final mile couriers, operate Evri ParcelShops and/or provide delivery unit operational services;
“Supplier” - means any organisation that provides labour resource, goods or services directly to Evri including (without limitation) any sub-contractors of Evri; and
“Supply Chain Parties” - means Evri’s tier one Suppliers and Service Providers and those parties’ direct suppliers and their onward supply chains.
Evri is committed to the sustainable development of its business in a way that reconciles economic success with the need to reduce negative environmental impact and ensure the social wellbeing of individuals that are employed or engaged directly by Evri.
Evri’s Code of Conduct therefore sets out Responsible Business Principles, based on ethics, morals and the law, which provide the framework for all it does and which it will apply within its own operations.
Evri’s Employees, Service Providers and Suppliers can expect Evri to comply with these Responsible Business Principles. In turn Supply Chain Parties must, as applicable, apply the Responsible Business Principles to their own conduct and operations and ensure that they are applied in their onward supply chains.
Evri will make this Code of Conduct accessible and will facilitate its communication as and when needed to all Employees, Service Providers and Suppliers and shall display it in appropriate locations. In turn Evri’s Service Providers and Suppliers will, as applicable, ensure that the Code of Conduct is communicated to and accessible to their employees and other Supply Chain Parties.
Employees, Service Providers and Suppliers must report breaches of these Responsible Business Principles to Evri as provided for in SECTION 7 (REPORTING A BREACH / MAKING A COMPLAINT) of this Code of Conduct including breaches which they become aware of in other Supply Chain Parties (and also, for the avoidance of doubt, breaches for which they are themselves responsible).
All relevant laws and regulations in any applicable legal jurisdiction must be complied with at all times including, but not limited to, those relating to:
Reporting Breaches: Supply Chain Parties will promptly report to Evri all breaches of laws and/or regulations for which they are directly responsible. Additionally, when they become aware of such breaches occurring in their onward supply chains, they must report these incidents to Evri without delay. Transparent and timely reporting is essential for addressing and rectifying all issues and in particular environmental ones.
All those individuals engaged in our business and by Supply Chain Parties (including employees, workers and customers as applicable):
– on the grounds of colour, nationality (including citizenship), national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, social class, age, sexual orientation, disability, political views, membership or non-membership of a trade union or any other characteristic protected in law;
– harassment;
– victimisation.
Evri’s equality and diversity policy can be found here. Our gender pay gap report can be found here. Evri and its Supply Chain Parties shall complete gender pay gap reporting where required by law. We expect our Supply Chain Parties to also work towards producing an ethnicity pay gap report.
Abuse of internationally respected human rights shall not be tolerated in Evri’s business and supply chains. In particular the following standards shall be adhered to:
For the avoidance of doubt Evri will not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in its business or supply chains. Forms of modern slavery may include, but are not limited to, working under threat or penalty, being forced to work very long hours without rest breaks, being forced and/or coerced to accept wages that are below the level set by applicable national laws, depending on the employer for housing, food and other necessities, withholding of passports and limitations on movements of workers. Human trafficking is where a person arranges or facilitates the travel of another person with a view to that person being exploited. Modern slavery and human trafficking are crimes and a violation of fundamental human rights.
Evri’s Supply Chain Parties are expected to maintain a high level of transparency and cooperate promptly with information and audit requests, which may be conducted periodically to ensure ongoing compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and Evri’s company standards.
All those engaged in Evri’s business and by its Supply Chain Parties shall benefit from good working conditions that comply with the legal and regulatory requirements in the relevant jurisdiction including with respect to:
Evri commits to work constructively with recognised Trade Unions and expects its Supply Chain Parties also to do so.
Communication of Strategies and Commitments - Evri and its Supply Chain Parties must frequently and clearly communicate to stakeholders their respective strategies and commitments concerning the reduction of the environmental impact of their business activities. This includes sharing information about sustainability initiatives, goals, and progress.
Setting Targets - Evri and its Supply Chain Parties shall set specific, measurable, and time-bound targets for reducing their environmental impact. These targets should align with industry best practices and evolving environmental standards.
Cooperation with Evri - Evri expects its Supply Chain Parties to cooperate actively with Evri in achieving its environmental sustainability strategy. Collaboration may involve sharing knowledge, technologies, and best practices to collectively reduce the environmental footprint of the supply chain.
Pollution Prevention - Supply Chain Parties must actively work to prevent pollution in all its forms, including air, water, and soil pollution. Implement measures to reduce emissions, effluents, and waste generated by their operations.
Waste Management - Develop and implement effective waste management programs that prioritize reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials. Properly dispose of hazardous waste and comply with all waste disposal regulations.
Resource Efficiency - Supply Chain Parties should optimize resource use, including energy, water, and raw materials, to minimize waste and reduce environmental impact. Implement energy-efficient practices and seek opportunities for resource conservation.
Biodiversity - Commit to the protection and preservation of biodiversity. Avoid activities that harm natural ecosystems and support initiatives that enhance biodiversity conservation.
No Deforestation - Supply Chain Parties must not engage in activities that contribute to illegal deforestation or forest degradation. This includes ensuring that products and raw materials sourced do not originate from deforested areas.
Land Conservation - Promote land conservation and responsible land use practices. Avoid activities that lead to land degradation or loss of critical habitats.
Emissions and Environmental Data - Supply Chain Parties must collect and provide to Evri all data necessary for Evri to monitor the emissions associated with and the environmental impacts of its operations and supply chains. This data should be accurate, comprehensive, within a recognised framework and updated regularly.
Progress Reporting - On demand, Supply Chain Parties shall collate and provide Evri with all data necessary to evidence the implementation of their environmental strategies and progress towards their targets. This reporting ensures accountability and transparency in the pursuit of sustainability goals.
Immediate steps shall be taken by Evri and any relevant Supply Chain Party:
Where Evri or any relevant Supply Chain Party identifies a breach by a third party, immediate consideration shall be given as to whether it is reasonably practicable and appropriate to continue to work with that third party to ensure that the appropriate standards are reached and adhered to in the future. Where that is not reasonably practicable and appropriate then recourse may be made to contractual rights with respect, for example, to termination of the contractual relationship.
Evri will, and its Supply Chain Parties must, abide by the applicable termination notice periods in contracts and, where there is no contractual notice period, then reasonable notice of termination must always be given (save where the termination is because of un-remedied or irremediable material breach of contract, in which case termination of a contract should be in accordance with the applicable contract terms and law).
Sustainable procurement procedures shall be applied at all times to ensure that undue pressure and strain is not generated in the supply chain which could in turn lead directly or indirectly to other breaches of the Responsible Business Principles set out in this Code of Conduct.
Evri and its Supply Chain Parties are committed to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner, strictly adhering to our Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy which can be found here. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate and implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery and corruption.
Evri and its Supply Chain Parties will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which Evri operate. However, Evri and its Supply Chain Parties remain bound by UK laws, including the Bribery Act 2010, in respect of our conduct both at home and abroad.
The prevention, detection and reporting of bribery and other forms of corruption are the responsibility of all those working for Evri or under our control. Evri employees and Evri’s Supply Chain Parties are required to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.
Breaches of the policy may result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct. Evri may terminate business relationship with other individuals and organisations working on Evri’s behalf if they breach this policy.Any suspected violations of the Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy should be reported as soon as possible to the line manager or the Director of Legal as per guidelines outlined in the policy. Where individuals are unsure about whether a particular act constitutes bribery or corruption, the concern must be raised with the line manager or the Director of Legal.
Where individuals have a concern about a breach or potential breach of this Code of Conduct they may report their concerns on a confidential basis as set out below. Please also see our Public Interest disclosure policy here.
Supply Chain Parties should as far as reasonably practicable have their own comparable processes to ensure that breaches of this Code of Conduct in their own operations and onward supply chains can be reported to them on a confidential and, if necessary, anonymous basis.
Evri and its Supply Chain Parties shall as far as reasonable investigate any complaints about breach of this Code of Conduct in accordance with their established procedures. Supply Chain Parties shall co- operate with Evri in any such investigation at their own cost.
Individuals who report a concern are encouraged to provide their name and contact details so that the issues they raise can be investigated most effectively. If an individual does not provide their name and contact details, it may be more difficult for Evri to investigate the matter effectively and/or to provide a means of redress.
Evri and Supply Chain Parties shall not tolerate any retaliation against any person who in good faith reports a concern about a breach of this Code of Conduct.
Where any Employee is concerned about a breach or potential breach of this Code of Conduct, they may report their concerns on a confidential basis through the Evri Speak Up Hotline. Employees may call 0808 196 5781 (UK & NI) or use the following link:
This service is completely independent, anonymous and confidential and is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Translation services are readily and freely available.
Where any Service Provider is concerned about a breach or potential breach of this Code of Conduct, they may report their concerns on a confidential basis as follows:
· to a representative of the GMB union if they are a member of that trade union; or
· to Evri’s Company Secretary by email to:
For the avoidance of doubt, Service Providers are required to report their own breaches of this Code of Conduct to Evri by contacting the Company Secretary of Evri by email to:
Where any Supplier is concerned about a breach or potential breach of this Code of Conduct, they may report their concerns on a confidential basis to the Company Secretary of Evri by email to:
For the avoidance of doubt Suppliers are required to report their own breaches of this Code of Conduct in the same way to Evri’s Company Secretary.
Where any employee or worker of a Supplier or Service Provider is concerned about a breach or potential breach of this Code of Conduct, they may report their concerns through the Evri Speak Up Hotline on 0808 196 5781 or using the following link:
This service is completely independent and confidential and is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Translation services are readily and freely available.
Any questions regarding content of this Code of Conduct should be sent to the following email address:
Published by:
Hugo Martin, Company Secretary, 22 October 2021
Updated: New Speak Up web address, June 2023
Updated: New Environmental provisions, September 2023
Update: Conflict of Interest and Anti-Bribery and Corruption provisions; September 2024